Appeninn has leased more than 15 thousand square metres of real estate

In recent months, Appeninn Nyrt. has let a total of more than 15,000 square metres of real estate, including office buildings and retail properties. Several of the real estate company's key partners have recently renewed their previous lease contracts with the company, and one of Hungary's leading media companies has also signed a new lease with Appeninn.

In total, Appeninn Nyrt. has concluded contracts for the rental of more than 15 thousand square metres of real estate in recent months. Among the leased properties are office buildings and retail units. Some of the agreements are for the extension of previously signed contracts, while Appeninn has also signed a new tenant, one of the country's leading media companies.

Tenants come from a variety of sectors, including public authorities, credit institutions, media companies and large retailers. The leases have been concluded on more favourable terms than previously, which will bring the company an overall 16% higher turnover. As a result of the contracts concluded and the 5 to 10 year extensions, the leased properties will provide the company with stable and predictable income for the coming years.

According to Tamás Bernáth, CEO of Appeninn Nyrt., the company's business strategy includes stability and predictability in addition to growth, which is largely supported by the concluded and extended lease contracts. The 15,000 square metres of office and retail space leased across the country will provide the company with a steady and secure income stream for years to come. And the continued confidence of tenants from a variety of sectors confirms that the company's properties are of high quality and capable of meeting the expectations of major market players.

