• Appeninn Plc's Privacy Policy

The website of Appeninn Plc. https://appeninnholding.com The website places small packets of data (more commonly known as cookies) when you log in and out of the website. Cookies are used solely to facilitate navigation and use of the site and to support anonymous data analysis. If the visitor does not wish to store or use these cookies, they can be deleted or disabled in their browser, this disabling does not affect the use of the website.

On the website you will find a contact and request form where you can send us a message. The legal basis for the use of the personal data received from here is the consent of the data subject pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR. In the absence of further consent, the data received in this way will be stored for 30 days in electronic form.

To ensure the security of the site, we store the time of the visit, IP address and browser type of the visitor in a way that does not directly identify them. The data stored in this way is stored for a period of 30 days from the date of the visit and is stored in electronic form. You may request information on the processing of your personal data and request the rectification or, except for processing required by law, the erasure of your personal data by the means indicated when you provided us with your data or by contacting the controller at the contact details indicated.

The data subject may exercise his/her right of redress or lodge a complaint with the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C.) or with the competent court of law of his/her place of residence or domicile.


+36 1 346 88 69

1022 Budapest, Bég utca 3-5
